Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Writing New Year's Resolutions

As time passes, we all become different versions of ourselves, although not necessarily much different. This year, I want to become a better version of myself, and I believe that this requires changing habits.

According to The Power of Habit, each habit has a cue, a routine, and a reward; changing habits often involves changing the routine part for an existing habit; this requires setting specific new habits to replace the old ones.

So, with that min mind, here's what I wish for this new year:

  1. I want to be patient and considerate. Whenever I notice myself become frustrated, I will reflect on why it happened and what a better attitude would have been.
  2. I want to be physically healthy, and be conscious of my eating and exercise habits.
  3. I want to regularly learn new things.
And in work:

  1. I want to be reliable by being systematic in task management.
  2. I want to produce quality work.
  3. I want to take new opportunities.

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